December 10th Weekly Terracoin Update — Gemmer

We are officially added to Gemmer!
I originally mentioned back in November that we were in the closed alpha of the wallet, but it is now released in Early Access!
Gemmer is a lightweight multi-coin wallet which sends a share of each transaction fee to the development team of each coin listed.
This is huge because no other multi-coin wallet, that I know of, does this. This will help boost the Terracoin Team’s budget and other cryptocurrency team budgets for spending on a variety of projects.
It is currently only for Android, and you can download it from the Android store here.
Special thanks to the Primecoin guys for adding TRC and for making the listing process so easy!
Gemmer is has just started and it already has 13 cryptocurrencies listed!
This is a great wallet to hold all of your cryptocurrencies in one secure place, so let’s get some TRC on there and start the transactions flowing!
Cryptopia sent out a weird email this week explaining how people can claim their funds. It has a ton of hoops to jump through, but if you can, I highly recommend trying to get your funds back! I, personally, wasn’t able to jump through the hoops because I don’t have two-year-old information from a suddenly closed exchange, but more power to you if you do!
And since most people probably had multiple cryptocurrencies on there and we just got listed on Gemmer, then you might as well send you TRC and any other available cryptocurrencies to Gemmer and check it out!
Donations to the Philippines
We have talked with the people in the Philippines and it turns out that it seems like instead of just sending a one-time food bundle it would instead be better to help them purchases food pigs.
This is a sort of “If you give someone a fish they will eat for a day, but if you teach them to fish, they will eat forever” situation.
I am sure we could send them food one time, but from the information we have it seems like it would be much better to help them get some pigs to raise. They already have the skills, but not the funds to start the process.
I really hope this improved idea works out because I think it is much better than just a one-time thing. We can start a process that continues to improve their community.
Translating that into crypto-speak.
We could do a one-time air drop, or we could give them masternodes.
That is it for this weekly update!
If you could get your funds out of Cryptopia please tell me!
Talk to you next week!
Man, there are a lot of commas in this weekly update.
Graviex —
Mercatox —
Get your discoveries in!
TRC Foundation Team Pay Proposal 4th Year
Thirty days ago, we were at 0.00000422 BTC (0.0649 USD) and today we are at 0.0000182 BTC (.0327 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00001082 BTC (0.0779 USD).
We are ranked 1081 on CoinGecko with a market cap of $946,069 USD, and last week we were ranked 1114 with a market cap of $857,359 USD.
Source for current price and market cap data:
Source for past data and rank:
Enabled/Total Masternode count today is 1215/1734. Last week our enabled/total masternode count was 1182/1703.
Masternode Count Source:
Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations
Mattermost (This is The Terracoin Foundation’s primary forum)
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