November 19th Weekly Terracoin Update — FreiExchange

We have been added to FreiExchange!
Zapple announced a while back that they are closing at the end of the year, and Fides-Ex has announced that if they don’t get further investments then they will be shutting down.
We have been wanting to get added to FreiExchange for a while now so the timing is awesome! Thanks to Stan from the EWMCI for facilitating that and thanks for Fedde of FreiExchange for adding us so quickly!
Our pairing is here, so lets get some trading started!
With the massive rise in the Bitcoin price there are a lot of opportunities for arbitrage with TRC and with the new listing the time is now to take advantage of that!
Social Media
Ever week I post the Terracoin weekly update on a bunch of different social media sites and I was hoping to get some community love on the different sites.
This week I would like to highlight Reddit. It would be great to get some new subreddit members there and to also get some upvotes! I know they are just fake Internet points, but it looks better when people check out Terracoin on Reddit.
I am hoping by next week we can get at least five up votes on the weeklies!
Thank you ahead of time!
Also, if anyone wants to take over maintaining the subreddit then hit me up!
Donation to the Philippines
The current donations to the Philippines drive is over and with Dreamer and my matching we hit 24,000 TRC!
Actually, with the TRC drop in price because of the Bitcoin spike we are under the amount, but I will just cover the rest. We got to keep this boat sailing!
Here is the final breakdown with current TRC pricing:
24,000 TRC = $932.25 USD and we have $110 USD donated
I really wanted to thank Dreamer for starting the match which I believe inspired a lot of other people to donate!
Thanks everyone for the donations and we have plans for another way to help people around the world which I hopefully will be announcing soon!
Graviex —
Mercatox —
Get your discoveries in!
TRC Foundation Team Pay Proposal 4th Year
(CoinGecko seems to be bugged out and doesn’t have the USD pricing right now)
Thirty days ago, we were at 0.00000516 BTC (? USD) and today we are at 0.0000216 BTC (.0388 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00000590 BTC (? USD).
We are ranked 977 on CoinGecko with a market cap of $1,118,390 USD, and last week we were ranked 798 with a market cap of $1,616,734 USD.
Source for current price and market cap data:
Source for past data and rank:
Enabled/Total Masternode count today is 1132/1683. Last week our enabled/total masternode count was 1148/1697.
Masternode Count Source:
Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations
Mattermost (This is The Terracoin Foundation’s primary forum)
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