November 5th Weekly Terracoin Update — 500K+

There are now 500K+ Terracoin addresses with balances! That is a pretty amazing number and shows that we have a huge community.
If you are just a lurker in the background, make sure to join our Mattermost and get your voice heard.
We also have community projects on our Trello that we need help with so check those out and if you can help then hit us up!
We will soon be added to a new minimalist multi-wallet called Gemmer. It is being built by the dudes over at XPM. It is still in the alpha phase, but they are working hard on getting it to a release state.
I am doing some testing on it myself, and once it is ready for release, I will post a link!
SixofFive is auctioning a small amount of Crypterium and the proceeds will be donated to the Philippines.
If you are interested in that then hit SixofFive up on our Mattermost server and ask him about it!
We got another donation (thanks to SixofFive) to the Donations to the Philippines so check out the donations below and please donate yourself!
That is it for this weekly update. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up!
Donation to the Philippines
This keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the TRC Weekly updates, but we are really making some headway in getting the total amount donated!
As I mentioned in the last two weeklies, a community member named Dreamer said he would match the first 5000 TRC worth of donations to the Philippines and I said I would match the next 5000 TRC donated. Because of Dreamer’s initiative we have gotten a significant number of Terracoin donated!
I broke down the USD donations and the TRC donations below.
We are trying to get together about $1400 USD to help feed over a hundred families in the Philippines.
We currently have $110 USD donated and 4,877 TRC donated and with Dreamer and my matching up to 10,000 TRC that makes us at 9,754 TRC! Converting that TRC to USD at the current price that makes us at $740 USD in TRC.
And a total of $850 USD!
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! Let’s hit the 10K TRC donated mark!
Below are two cryptocurrency donation addresses and my PayPal and once we get the money together, we will send off the food!
Remember only the TRC donations are matched up to 10,000 TRC!
If you have any questions feel free to hit me or Buffer01 up on our Mattermost server!
Remember SixofFive’s voting trick if you are an active user on Graviex, you can grab GIO from their faucet link and use that to vote for TRC on their vote list. Let’s get the free voting started!
Graviex —
Get your discoveries in!
TRC Foundation Team Pay Proposal 4th Year
Thirty days ago, we were at 0.00000576 BTC (.0611 USD) and today we are at 0.0000477 BTC (.0756 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00000529 BTC (.0488 USD).
We are ranked 750 on CoinGecko with a market cap of $2,170,594 USD, and last week we were ranked 775 with a market cap of $2,148,176 USD.
Source for current price and market cap data:
Source for past data and rank:
Enabled/Total Masternode count today is 1166/1707. Last week our enabled/total masternode count was 1151/1703.
Masternode Count Source:
Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations
Mattermost (This is The Terracoin Foundation’s primary forum)
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