October 15th Weekly Terracoin Update — Two

Two exchanges that host Terracoin have now announced that they are most likely shutting down. I mentioned Fides-Ex last week, but Zapple announced since then.
Both exchanges have mentioned that they may not shut down, but I would just assumed they are shutting down for good, so remove your TRC and other cryptocurrencies now!
Fides-Ex has given till the end of the month for everyone to get their coins out, and Zapple has given to the end of the year.
Better to be safe then sorry so get your coins out now!
I know I already said that, but it is important so get your coins out now!
Don’t worry though, Terracoin is still supported on these exchanges:
Cratex — https://cratex.io/index.php?pair=TRC/BTC
SouthXChange — https://www.southxchange.com/Market/Book/TRC/BTC
Community Projects
Everyone should check out our Trello and look at the Community Member Projects because those are items we need help with.
If you can help with any of those items, then hit me up!
We have been listed on a newish crypto-review company and it would be great to get some reviews on there.
You can check it out here!
That is it for this weekly update, but don’t forget to donate to the Philippines and to vote on the Team Pay proposal!
Team Pay Proposal
Just a reminder that the 4th year of the team pay proposal is in and 327 masternodes have voted!
Nice job, but don’t forget to use your masternodes to speak your voice and vote! Check out the proposal here.
Donation to the Philippines
This keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the TRC Weekly updates, but we are really making some headway in getting the total amount donated!
As I mentioned in the last two weeklies, a community member named Dreamer said he would match the first 5000 TRC worth of donations to the Philippines and I said I would match the next 5000 TRC donated. Because of Dreamer’s initiative we have gotten a significant number of Terracoin donated!
I broke down the USD donations and the TRC donations below.
We are trying to get together about $1400 USD to help feed over a hundred families in the Philippines.
We currently have $110 USD donated and 4067 TRC donated and with Dreamer and my matching up to 10,000 TRC that makes us at 8134 TRC! Converting that TRC to USD at the current price that makes us at $467 USD in TRC.
And a total of $577 USD!
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! Let’s hit the 10K TRC donated mark!
Below are two cryptocurrency donation addresses and my PayPal and once we get the money together, we will send off the food!
Remember only the TRC donations are matched up to 10,000 TRC!
If you have any questions feel free to hit me or Buffer01 up on our Mattermost server!
Remember SixofFive’s voting trick if you are an active user on Graviex, you can grab GIO from their faucet link and use that to vote for TRC on their vote list. Let’s get the free voting started!
Graviex — https://graviex.net/listing_registers
Get your discoveries in!
TRC Foundation Team Pay Proposal 4th Year
Thirty days ago, we were at 0.00000532 BTC (.0571 USD) and today we are at 0.0000524 BTC (.0602 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00000292 BTC (.0235 USD).
We are ranked 810 on CoinGecko with a market cap of $1,721,130 USD, and last week we were ranked 818 with a market cap of $1,631,724 USD.
Source for current price and market cap data: https://xplorenow.com/crypto/terracoin
Source for past data and rank: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/terracoin?utm_content=terracoin&utm_medium=search_coin&utm_source=coingecko
Enabled/Total Masternode count today is 1127/1696. Last week our enabled/total masternode count was 1129/1693.
Masternode Count Source: https://services.terracoin.io/
Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations
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