September 17th Weekly Terracoin Update — Déjà vu

I feel like I am suffering from déjà vu because I have that same sinking feeling when all the scam masternode projects appeared in 2017.
I know I talked about DeFi (decentralized finance) last weekly and I talked about it a little bit in the weeklies before that, but I wanted to put a more succinct statement out.
So here it is, “Please, for the love of crypto, investigate the projects that are forcing this DeFi agenda forward. Most of these projects are straight up Ponzi schemes and must be avoided at all cost!”
I literally got a spam message on Discord talking about how since these tokens are new this is the time to get in because everyone who gets in later is going to get burned.
That is what a Ponzi scheme is!
I think there could be some sort of technological benefit for finance from what is happening in DeFi, but right now there aren’t any tokens (all of them being tokens is a red flag in itself) showing anything new that isn’t a Ponzi scheme.
Please be careful and don’t throw your money away!
I was busy talking about other things last weekly, but the Superblock happened! Make sure to get in your discoveries and proposals now!
Team Pay
The team pay proposal is set to expire after the next Superblock so get ready to use your masternode to vote!
I was also thinking of doubling the team pay budget for the next year so tell me what you think about that!
That is it for this weekly update, but don’t forget to donation to the Philippines!
Donation to the Philippines
We are trying to get together about $1400 USD to help feed over a hundred families in the Philippines.
We currently have $272.45 USD donated so please donate anything you can!
Below are two cryptocurrency donation addresses and my PayPal and once we get the money together, we will send off the food!
If you have any questions feel free to hit me or Buffer01 up on our Mattermost server!
Remember SixofFive’s voting trick if you are an active user on Graviex, you can grab GIO from their faucet link and use that to vote for TRC on their vote list. Let’s get the free voting started!
Graviex —
Get your discoveries in!
TRC Foundation Team Pay Proposal 3rd Year
Thirty days ago, we were at 0.00000471 BTC (.0554 USD) and today we are at 0.0000539 BTC (.0589 USD).
A year ago, we were at 0.00000255 BTC (.0262 USD).
We are ranked 813 on CoinGecko with a market cap of $1,671,371 USD, and last week we were ranked 787 with a market cap of $1,746,728 USD.
Source for current price and market cap data:
Source for past data and rank:
Enabled/Total Masternode count today is 1100/1682. Last week our enabled/total masternode count was 1135/1679.
Masternode Count Source:
Terracoin Foundation Masternode Donations
Mattermost (This is The Terracoin Foundation’s primary forum)
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